My parents adopted Lele (the little puppy above) in September of 2010. She is a foster puppy from CARES, Inc. (Canine Assistance Rehabilitation Education & Services) from Kansas. Basically, CARES gives away puppies to foster parents to feed, train, and love for their first year of life. After a year, you give the puppy back and they train it professionally to be a guide dog. Pretty cool, huh?
Brian and I started talking about being foster parents to a foster puppy in February, somewhat randomly. We talked about how fun it would be to take it everywhere (that's a main job: take it everywhere!). We talked about the financial aspect and how hard it would be to give it back after a year. It would be a lot of work, but so worth it!
So on Tuesday, I called the CARES organization and asked about how to become a puppy raiser. I told them I would only take a golden retriever. Megan, the canine assistance director, said, "Well, we have two 11 week old males right now, or we have a potential mom that would have the puppies in 3 weeks and you could take one 8 weeks after that." The sonogram for the potential mom was Wednesday, and she was not pregnant. So we are taking a chance, and we are taking one of the 11 week old males.
So now we are waiting for word on how we are going to get him. He could possibly get to Memphis because a lot of puppy raisers live in Memphis, so they go there all the time to drop-off/pick-up puppies. If he can get to Memphis, then my parents can hold him until I get there. Or if the weather is good, they can fly him to Richmond :) Either way, we are super excited and can't wait for our new addition! We better go shopping for some dog stuff... haha...
Lele at work at Wal-Mart in October 2010
Lele even goes out to eat with her parents! Ours would too!
It's going to be an adventure!!!
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